Swing Out Authentic vs Roll Up Look A Like
Swing Out Authentic vs. Roll Up Look-a-like I came across this article on the “This Old House” web site. I thought it interesting because it brings to our attention two apparently good reasons why a …
Swing Out Authentic vs. Roll Up Look-a-like I came across this article on the “This Old House” web site. I thought it interesting because it brings to our attention two apparently good reasons why a …
Historical Charm Returns to America. Lost style is finally found again in vintage carriage garage doors. Although garages make up a large percentage of a home’s appearance they have often been an overlooked, crucial element …
When renovating or building a new home, many homeowners are choosing carriage or swinging garage doors. In the past, homeowners had no garages to provide shelter for their automobiles; they actually lived in carriage homes, …
At first glance, old-fashioned carriage house doors that part in the middle seem to be an element of the past. Some of their appeal is directly related to that. We love what seems rooted, of …
- How building carriage doors is like baking a pie My good friend Nancy, whose reputation for baking is legendary, recently came back from a pie-baking workshop. Her husband Jim confessed that he had been …
- Making space for life before kids grow up and leave When my wife and I were young and out of college we moved to the big city to live the dream as actors. We …
- using space you own for a home business The economy has been tough on families, the job market, and the construction industry. You’d have to be Rip Van Winkle during REM sleep not to …
Carriage doors have their enemies. All good things do. Sleeping Beauty had the mean stepmother. Glaciers have global warming. Bacon has the American Heart Association. Who would want beautiful, useful, virtuous, convenient, classically admired carriage …
“How much do carriage doors cost? The real kind that swing out.” We get a lot of inquiries that basically consist of that one question. “I have to have out-swing doors because I want to …
My buddy and I were having a friendly conversation recently about beauty, and why it seems to get squeezed out of society’s priorities. He put up the theory that beauty is optional, and morally neutral. …
The old saying is “good fences make good neighbors”. It’s based on the idea that establishing firm and unambiguous boundaries decreases the chance of disputes. Okay. True. But isn’t there something more to being a …
Back in the day, barns were raised by farmers with the help of neighbors and extended family. The last thing up was the barn door. Built of a basic framework of vertical battens and horizontal …
Authentic carriage doors do more than look historically correct. They swing out. There's something good about that motion. It's more like arms sending you on your way or receiving you back home than a big …
Authentic carriage doors do more than look historically correct. They swing out. There's something good about that motion. It's more like arms sending you on your way or receiving you back home than a big …
Back in the day, barns were raised by farmers with the help of neighbors and extended family. The last thing up was the barn door. Built of a basic framework of vertical battens and horizontal …
The old saying is “good fences make good neighbors”. It’s based on the idea that establishing firm and unambiguous boundaries decreases the chance of disputes. Okay. True. But isn’t there something more to being a …
- Making space for life before kids grow up and leave When my wife and I were young and out of college we moved to the big city to live the dream as actors. We landed jobs in a touring company and started getting paid real money to pretend. A very small amount of real money. Before two years were up, we started thinking this is great, but it would be even better if we …