
Articles and posts about carriage doors.

All Garage Doors Used to Swing Out

Carriage doors are your homes open arms

Authentic carriage doors do more than look historically correct. They swing out. There's something good about that motion. It's more like arms sending you on your way or receiving you back home than a big eye blinking at your departure or approach. True carriage doors faded when the overhead door became the standard. Though the overhead door is here to stay for several good reasons, we believe something was lost in the translation.

Each Garage Door Crafted by Hand

Out-swing garage doors for existing openings are necessarily a custom crafted product. They are built to fit the opening rather than overlapping it as sectional roll-up doors do. Evergreen crafts each set of out-swing carriage garage doors by hand.

All-Wood Garage Doors

The custom fit nature of out-swing garage doors rules out mass producing them in fiberglass or steel. Industrial stamp forms and moldable materials are best adapted to standard sizes and styles, requiring a volume of identical sales to make them cost-effective.

Evergreen's Out-Swing Doors Resist Sag

Because of their width, out-swing garage doors must be built to resist sag. An interior panel of marine plywood overlaps the rails and stiles of Evergreen's doors, creating a strong door with minimum weight.

Evergreen's Out-swing Doors Shed Moisture

Quality construction details provide lasting door

Swinging open into rain and all kinds of inclement weather, out-swing doors call for water resistant construction. The solid interior panel is marine meranti plywood, as used by boat builders.

A Need for the Hand-Crafted and Unique

When industry shifted to mass production, the out-swing garage door, along with many other hand crafted items, began to be replaced. Homes and garages across America became broad-brushed in sameness. Decade after decade, on street after street, subdivision after subdivision, all that sameness creates a longing in us for the unique and personal. The hand-made out-swing garage door embodies the personal touch of the craftsman and the arms-open gesture of old-fashioned welcome. Evergreen Carriage Doors crafts them one at a time to meet that need.

- Richard Hampton

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