A sample of our custom door designs built by Evergreen Carriage Doors

A sample of our custom door designs built by Evergreen Carriage Doors
Authentic carriage doors do more than look historically correct. They swing out. There's something good about that motion. It's more like arms sending you on your way or receiving you back home than a big …
Back in the day, barns were raised by farmers with the help of neighbors and extended family. The last thing up was the barn door. Built of a basic framework of vertical battens and horizontal …
The old saying is “good fences make good neighbors”. It’s based on the idea that establishing firm and unambiguous boundaries decreases the chance of disputes. Okay. True. But isn’t there something more to being a …
- How building carriage doors is like baking a pie My good friend Nancy, whose reputation for baking is legendary, recently came back from a pie-baking workshop. Her husband Jim confessed that he had been skeptical that she would learn anything new, because her pies were already “to die for”. Jim proceeded to tell me, rolling his eyes upward and unconsciously swallowing, that this new pie is “PHENOMENAL”. “If I had known I was going …